Please consider supporting the Festival as an individual, a couple, or a family by becoming a Friend of the Festival.
Your generous tax-deductible donation helps to ensure that the Wilmington Jewish Film Festival will continue to be a source of inspiration, education and elation for our community and region.
All Friends will be recognized in the Festival Program Book as well as the pre-film slide show.
Film sponsor
For $1,000 you receive 2 All Festival Passes.
For $500 you receive 1 all festival pass
For $360 you receive 4 vouchers towards tickets.
assistant director
For $180 you receive 2 vouchers towards tickets.
screen writer
For $108 you receive 1 voucher
towards a ticket.
To Become a Friend of the Festival
To pay by credit card click
You will be taken to a Square payment site. Click on your level of giving. Click Donate. Click Checkout.
On the left side of the page, Fill in Contact information, Address under shipping Method, and fill in Credit card information.
On the right side of the page is a blue button that says Place Order. Click on button